As well as general mental health concerns, we work particularly with clients experiencing trauma, relationship difficulties, gut and pelvic issues, and chronic pain. We offer individual and couples therapy, supervision and support groups.
General mental health concerns
All of our psychologists work with clients who experience anxiety, depression, grief, adjustment issues and other mental health concerns. Treatment approaches vary but may include CBT and ACT or another agreed modality.
Therapeutic treatment of trauma requires specific psychological approaches such as CBT- for trauma, Exposure and EMDR.
Relationship Counselling
Working with couples is an area that requires specific training and expertise, with the aim of assisting couples to improve their interpersonal interactions and the quality of their relationship.
Gut, Continence and Pelvic Health
Psychological treatment involves managing stress, increasing coping strategies, changing thinking patterns, learning relaxation and mindfulness skills and clinical hypnosis.
Chronic Pain
Treatment for chronic pain encompasses supporting life adjustments, pain and stress management, relaxation, clinical hypnosis and cognitive reframing.
We Offer
Individual Therapy
One to one counselling with adults and adolescents, either in person or by telehealth (for rural and remote clients).
Relationship Counselling
Counselling for couples in crisis or wanting to improve interpersonal interactions.
Supervision for psychologists and other mental health care workers.